RADNOR™ E3™ is the Ultimate Electrode! The engineered blend of oxides outperforms other electrode types. These electrodes are environmentally friendly, run cooler and last longer than traditional electrodes. Easy ignition and quality AC & DC welds are hallmarks of the E3 electrode!
Best choice to replace thoriated electrodes
Longer life through cooler temperatures. E3™ electrodes run approximately 1650° F cooler than thoriated at the same energy output
Non-radioactive additives
Proven to outperform other electrodes
Can be used in both DC & AC processes
Stable tip and arc geometry
Every electrode is Eddy Current tested for defects
Non-radioactive additives
Decreased operator risk
Easier disposal
RADNOR™ Tungsten rod products are used as electrodes in the Gas Tungsten Arc-Welding (GTAW) also known as Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (TIG)