Lanthanum Oxide Doped Tungsten Electrodes Containing 1.2% to 1.6% LA2O3 By Weight.
EWLa-1.5 designates a tungsten electrode containing 1.3%-1.7% by weight of dispersed lanthanum oxide (La2O3) for enhanced arc starting and stability, reduced tip erosion rate, and extended operating current range. These electrodes can be used as non-radioactive substitutes for 2% thoriated tungsten as the operating characteristics are very similar. Lanthanated tungsten can be used for both DCEN and AC applications.
Will provide very similar performance with a minimum amount of adjustment of operation condictions required.
Electrodes are 100% Eddy Current tested
Annealed brittled for ease of sizing
Finest available tungsten powder (APT)
Meets AWS/ANSI specifications
Ground for maximum smoothness
RADNOR™ Tungsten rod products are used as electrodes in the Gas Tungsten Arc-Welding (GTAW) also known as Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (TIG)
These products are also used for Plasma Cutting.
Can be used as a non-radioactive substitute for 2% thoriated tungsten.