SALISBURY By Honeywell Size 16 Yellow 17" Rubber Dielectric Overshoe With Anti-Skid Sole offers extra safety when climbing ladders and poles where the deep heel cavity can lock onto the rungs. These overshoes are made from 100% waterproof ozone resistant rubber and construction is hand-layered in full-cut patterns to fit over work boots. The sole has durable construction with pole-climbing reinforcement patch and fabric lining makes them easy to get on and off. Deep heel overshoes are used for electrical workers and meets ASTM F2413-05 standards.
100% waterproof
Made from ozone resistant rubber
Fabric lining makes them easy to get on and off
The construction is hand layered in full cut patterns to fit over work boots
Pole climbing reinforcement patch
Deep heel Overshoes provide extra safety when climbing ladders and poles where the deep heel cavity can lock onto the rungs
Outsole tested to the electrical hazard requirements of ASTM F2413-05 at 20,000 volts
Electrical workers
Salisbury by Honeywell Line Equipment should only be used by electrical workers who have been thoroughly trained in its correct and safe use. Training should be conducted in accordance with the employer’s work procedures and standards